Santa Maria
The rebirth of Finnish spice cabinets!
Categories: Ongoing Partnership, Social Media, Photography and Video Productions

Santa Maria is the leading spice brand in the Nordic countries and Finland’s market leader in Tex Mex category products. Especially in the Tex Mex category, the competitive situation is constantly tightening; in 2022 alone, both new players and numerous new products entered the market.
Santa Maria’s product categories are in different market stages, but the main goals of each brand are to increase the number of purchases, expand the selection of Finnish spice cabinets and lower the threshold for experimentation. Santa Maria is wanted to be close to people and to boldly encourage trying something new.

Flashy visual implementations bring the brand to life
In the food market, the biggest competitor is often literally centimeters away: on the same store shelf, within the reach of the consumer’s small hand. That’s why we bring out product packaging in numerous, natural ways; to ensure that the positive feelings created by the content are connected to the Santa Maria brand.
At the core of the brand are bursting, authentic and delightful taste experiences – and the fact that they don’t need a whole weekend or numerous hard-to-find ingredients to create them. Therefore, enriched visual implementations are also at the center of arousing the public’s interest.
The most important tool of content marketing is content themes from the content strategy. Both the brand’s goals and the buyer persona’s needs and everyday problems are encoded in the content theme. By following the content theme, the continuous on-going content stays in line with the goals and keeps the target group in the center. By introducing the variance of spices and telling about their uses; when the consumer knows more ways to use the new jar, the threshold for buying it lowers.

Continuous interaction encourages a culture of experimentation
Santa Maria’s social media presence is genuine, approachable and effective!
The quality and reach of the content can be seen as a natural dialogue that the brand has together with passionate home cooks. The amount of discussion and commenting on Santa Maria’s channels has multiplied since the start of the Grapevine collaboration, which is the result of consistent and targeted audience outreach and engagement.
The conversation with the audience is almost always positive. There is an active, daily discussion about food, products, recipes and cooking in the posts and Inbox. Santa Maria actively participates in the discussion: tastes are felt together, ideas and advice are shared and home cooks are cheered on.