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Social media
Total reachTotal number of people reached
Organic ReachNumber of people reached without paid ads
Paid ReachNumber of people reached with paid ads
Total impressionsHow many times social media posts were seen in total.
Organic impressionsHow many times social media posts were seen without paid ads.
Paid impressionsHow many times social media posts were seen with paid ads.
Page post engagementsHow many times social posts were liked, commented, shared or clicked.
Engagement rateHow many % of reached people liked, commented, shared or clicked the posts
CTR %How many % of reached people clicked the posts
Post link clicksTotal number of times the posts were clicked
CPMCost Per Mille = Average cost of 1,000 ad impressions
Link clicksHow many times the links in the posts were clicked
Cost per unique link clickHow much did one click cost on average
Cost per page engagementHow much did one engagement (like, comment, share, video view) cost on average
Cost per landing page viewHow much did one landing page view cost on average
Link clicks vs. Landing page viewsWhat is the difference between link clicks and landing page views? Link clicks tells you how many times people clicked your ad on social media. Landing page view tells you how many times people actually loaded your website after clicking the ad on social media.If there is a major difference between link clicks and landing page views, it is possible that people leave your website before it has loaded – in other words, the traffic quality is low.
Total profile reachNumber of unique users who saw your profile or your content.
Total profile impressionsNumber of times your profile or content were seen.
Instagram Story exitsNumber of times someone swiped out of your Instagram story.
Google Ads
CTR (click through rate)The number of clicks that the ad received divided by the number of times the ad was shown
ImpressionsNumber of times the ad was seen in total
ClicksNumber of times the ad was clicked
CostMedia budget used in total
Avg. CPCHow much did one click cost on average
Top impression percentage %The percent of ad impressions that were shown anywhere above the organic search results
Viewable impressionsNumber of ad impressions when 50 percent of the ad was shown on screen for 1 second or longer
Viewable CTRHow often people clicked the ad after it became viewable
CPMCost Per Mille = Average cost of 1,000 ad impressions
Viewable CPMAverage cost for 1,000 viewable impressions
Video watch rate %The number of views or engagements the video ad received divided by the number of times the ad was shown (video and thumbnail impressions)
Google Analytics
UsersThe total number of unique website users for the requested time period
SessionsThe total number of user interactions with your website that took place within a given time frame. A single session can contain multiple page views, and a single user can open multiple sessions.
PageviewsThe total number of website pages viewed within a certain timeframe
Avg. pageviews per sessionThe number of pageviews divided by the total number of sessions. Tells you how many pages the average user visits before leaving your website.
Avg. session lengthTotal duration of all sessions (in seconds) divided by the number of sessions. Tells you how long the average user spends on your website.
Goal completionsThe number of times website visitors completed a specific action you are tracking, such as subscribing to a newsletter, filling a contact form or adding a product to a shopping cart
TransactionsThe total number of times an eCommerce transaction took place within a certain time period
Avg. order valueTotal eCommerce transaction value divided by the number of transactions within a certain time period. Tells you the size of the average transaction or order value.
Bounce rateThe percentage of single website page visits in which the visitor leaves your website from the landing page without browsing any further.
Avg. page load time (sec)How long it takes for your website pages to load on average from the initiation of the pageview (such as clicking on a page link) to load completion in the browser.
ConversionsThe total number of user activities that contribute to the success of your business, such as making a sales purchase or submitting a contact information form.
Transaction revenueThe total revenue or grand total associated with the transactions made on the website.
Ecommerce conversion rate %The number of transactions divided by the number of sessions.